We Love Bloglovin'

If you're like me during your web surfing you've discovered many great blogs that you'd like to re-visit. But you don't want to re-visit until they have posted something new that you might be interested in reading. One way is to sign up for email notifications from that blog or follow that blog.

Another is to use Bloglovin' to get notified each time one of the blogs you follow adds a new article to their blog. Bloglovin' is also a great place to search for the type of blogs you like. Simply click on the Blogs menu option and you will see a list of blog categories. 

Upcycle This! has now added Bloglovin' as an option on our site. Simply click the button in the left column of our blog and Bloglovin' will email you anytime we update our blog.

And now you have several ways to keep current on our blog as well as many other great blogs on the web, like these...


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