A Week in Frankfort KY

Dondra here: Spent last week in Frankfort, Kentucky without a car. My company sent me there to teach and the client needed to do everything on the cheap so I didn't get to rent a car. But I did do some exploring while on foot.

One of the (few) places I found open on Sunday in downtown Frankfort was Completely Kentucky. A cute shop, in a beautiful old building, selling a variety of items hand made by Kentucky artists. I bought a tile that's just perfect for our bathroom remodel! You'll have to wait for bathroom remodel pictures to see it though. :)

And I did take lots of pictures! I always take pictures on my (work) trips. I photograph a wide variety of things, but mainly old buildings and window/store displays. I know... an odd combo. But hey... I like what I like. ;)

One reason I take pictures on my trips is the obvious... to remind me of places I've been and things I've seen. But the main reason I do it is... it inspires me to create. Either at the time or down the road when I'm looking back at the pictures.

Here are a few of the MANY pictures I took...

 And finally, five things I enjoyed about my week in Frankfort:
  • LOTS of beautiful old buildings! (many made from brick)
  • Country style cooking... green beans just like Papa (aka my Grandfather) used to make; fried chicken like Mom makes
  • Weather was perfect... No coat needed. AND I missed the week of storms we had in No. Cal. - yippee!
  • People were super nice!
  • And I got to see some amazing horse barns on my cab ride to the airport

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